Grade of reinforcement Bar In construction firms steel plays a very important role as Rebar (Reinforcement bar) in R.C.C. Well known fact that is concrete strong in compressive and weak in tensile to counter the tensile force reinforcement is applied in concrete, that reinforced material is steel. For a normal Residential building(750 sq.ft) itself a minimum 8-10 tons Rebar steel are required. First steel grade is Fe250 mild steel , this type of steels are used in the starting stage of Reinforced cement concrete. After that Fe 415 TMT Bars came to the usage. At present construction of heavy structures there is a need for high grade bars. Grade of Steel (presently available in indian market) Fe 500 Fe 550 Fe 600 Fe 500D Fe 550D Fe 500 HCR Fe 550 HCR Fe 600 HCR Fe 415S HCR Fe 415S HCR Fe 500S EQR Fe 550S HCR EQR D = Ductility Fe 500D or Fe 550D this type of bar mostly used in R.C.C structure in Building. HCR = High Corrosion Resistance Fe 500 HCR, Fe 550 ...
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