Why Cranks Provided in Slab Reinforcement Bars?
In Construction field most of the rising question is why cranks are provided in slab rebar?Lets go to the Strength of Material subject, we have studied about the Types of supported Cantilever support, Simply support, Continuous support, fixed support, Propped cantilever support and overhanging support.
While design time engineers will be considered beam and slab are fixed support. In fixed support two types of bending moments will be occurred Positive bending moment and negative bending moment.
Positive bending moment will occur at center and negative bending moment will occur at supports, to counter the Negative bending moment cranks are provided in slab rebar at supports, based upon negative bending moment occurring distance the cranks provided.
Short notes:-To counter the negative bending moment in the R.C.C Slab Cranks are provided.
Article By
Pandi Rajendran B.E
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