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Let calculate the brickwork for image 2

Image 2

Step 1:- Calculate for the wall of size Length, Breadth and Depth



                          =1.71 cu.m

Step 2:- Calculate the volume of one brick

                 Note:- add 10mm(0.01m)  for each side of brick for cement mortar thickness (eg:- Modular brick size is 190mmx90mmx90mm while finding brickwork volume should to be taken as 200mmx100mmx100mm).



                   =0.002 cu.m   

Step 3:-  Find Out the No.of Bricks 


                           No.of Bricks = Volume of brickwork

                                                    Volume of one brick     


                                                = 1.71/0.002



Step 4:- Calculate the Volume of Cement Mortar

Many of the people think that brickwork calculation means just to find the no. of bricks required but brick work calculation includes finding the cement mortar (cement and sans) requirement also. In rate analysis many of the engineers not finding the cement mortar requirement it will make huge losses to the firm.

Cement mortar volume= (volume of brickwork) -(no.of bricks x nominal size of one brick)


                                         = (1.71) - (855 x (0.19x0.09x0.09))


                                         = 1.71 - 1.315

   Cement Mortar Volume = 0.395 cu.m

Step 5:- Cement and Sand Calculation (Cement mortar 1:5)


Note:- 1.33 is an dry value of cement mortar and 1440 is an density of cement 

Cement = ⅙ x 1.33 x 1440 x 0.395 = 126 kg

Sand      = ⅚ x 1.33 x 0.395 = 0.44 cu.m

Bricks = 855 no.s

Cement = 126kg


Sand = 0.44 cu.m



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